A Relaxing Day at Home

This morning, I woke up at 8:00 A.M. After waking up, I went downstairs, where I made some toast and hot cocoa for breakfast. After breakfast, I did not really do much for the rest of the morning. The Ruckmans had left to do some shopping and do a few different things. I decided to stay at home and relax.

Yesterday’s activities must have worn me out because I rested quite a bit today. At 1:30 P.M., I decided to heat up some of the leftovers from last night. Just as I was finishing, the Ruckmans got back. After I had finished helping them unload the groceries, I added my condiments to my burger and enjoyed my lunch. After lunch, I went back up to my room.

I pretty much stayed in my room until I got a text from Bro. Ruckman saying there were two oatmeal, chocolate-chip, raisin cookies with my name on them. I got down there as quickly as I could. Mrs. Angie has been having a hard time with the stove because it needs a new part and is not working properly. So, today we were able to have a new stove delivered to the house. I was able to help Bro. Ruckman install it; then, I went up to my room, turned the ac on, and cooled off for a little while.

Once it was getting close to supper time, I made my way back downstairs. Bro. Ruckman grilled some pork chops, while Mrs. Angie made scalloped potatoes in the new oven. Everything was delicious!!! After supper, Bro. Ruckman and I did some furniture rearranging because Bro. Ruckman had gotten Mrs. Angie a new recliner for Christmas. We had to give it to her a few days early because it was going to be a pain to try to keep Mrs. Angie from seeing it.

Once we had given her that gift, Bro. Ruckman worked on wrapping some other gifts. I was able to talk to my brother for a while while he was out fishing on his new kayak. It was good to get to talk with him. Once I finished my phone call with him, I turned my water heater on. While I am waiting for it to heat up, I am typing the blog. Once I am done, the water should be ready; then, I will get cleaned up and be off to bed.