Another Big Study Day!!!

This morning, I woke up at 7:30. As soon as I woke up, I began my studying for the day. I went downstairs at 8:30 A.M. or so to get a few muffins for breakfast and then went back up to my room to do some more studying. I usually study for an hour then watch something for a half hour, but sometimes I watch something for a full hour to let everything I have studied sink in.

We did not have anything planned for the day besides Bible Club at 5:00 P.M., so I had all day to study and try to get these terms and lists into my head. I have studied and studied; so, I just hope and pray that everything is still there when it comes time to take the tests. I am still not ready for a few of the exams, but I am prepared for one of them. (Three more to get fully prepared for) :).

I went downstairs at 11:30 or so, then did some more studying until 12:30 P.M. We then ate lunch. After lunch, I went back up to my room and did some more studying. I basically stayed in my until 3:00 P.M. Bro Ruckman then needed me to help him with a delivery of barrels from the U.S. full of goodies for the kids. (The transport vehicle had four men, and we were not much help.)

After we had gotten everything situated and set up for Bible Club, I went back up to my room, then did a little more studying until 4:30 P.M. I then went downstairs to help with the Bible Club. There were a few kids who misbehaved in the beginning, but most of them settled down after the first few minutes. I was glad to be able to try to teach the kids another new song. So far, I have taught them two songs; so, I am working on more.

For the last three weeks, I have had to hold a little girl named Faith because if she is not held, she will not sit still for even a minute. Well today, I was holding her in my lap while she was playing with a balloon. I also had another young girl sit beside me, who was fascinated with my hair. She would rub it for a few minutes; then, she would ruffle it up; so, I would fix it. Then, she would rub it again and start the process all over again. I figured it was better for her to be rubbing and playing with my hair than running around, disturbing the other kids.

After Bible Club was over, Mrs. Angie gave each kid a mechanical pencil and toffee. They were thrilled to have the new pencils. They were also excited for the toffee (candy) but not quite as excited for them as they were for the pencils because they get toffee every week. All the kids were asking how to push the lead back in after they had almost clicked it all out. I am sure none of them will have lead by the end of the week, quite possibly the end of the night. 🙂

Once all the kids had gone, Bro. Ruckman ordered KFC for supper. It was very good. He and Mrs. Ruckman then decorated the Christmas tree while I did some studying. We tried to watch a movie but could not get it to work because of some internet troubles. So instead of watching a movie, I went up to my room and continued my studies.

It is currently 9:44 P.M.; so, I am going to get cleaned up, study for another little while, and go to bed. I am planning on waking up early to continue my studies because, as I said befor, I am not fully prepared for all the exams. Thank you all for your prayers. I made a 105 on one of my exams and an 85 on another. I have not gotten the grades back from the other two exams. The two that I did get a grade back, I was told that I passed both classes with an A. One class was an A plus and the other an A minus, but still A’s; so, I am happy!

3 responses to “Another Big Study Day!!!”

  1. Wow, so proud of your grades! I know you are happy about them after all your studying! We miss you, but we are glad you are where God wants you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Gilbert, We are so proud of you!
    God has Great Plans for you!

    Those 2 little girls that you keep with you during Bible Study just Might be a way of God testing your patience. Because we all know that you Don’t like your hair ruffled.😅

    So Proud of those grades and I’m sure you will pass the other test.🙏
    Keep up the good work and Remember, There are Alot of Prayers going up for You! 🙏🤞