Study and a Bit More Study

This morning, I woke up at 7:25. I then studied until 8:30. After I had studied, I made some toast and eggs and went back up to my room to do some more studying

While I was studying, the Ruckmans and Hollingsworths went to the mall for a little bit. When they got back, we had lunch. I then said my farewells, and the Ruckmans took the Hollingsworths to the airport. I did not have much time to be sad that they had left because I had to jump right back into studying.

I have been taking breaks every once in a while to let my brain cool off, but I have been getting a lot of studying in. After I had studied all afternoon, we ate supper then got ready for church.

We were able to start the service one minute early. The kids have been practicing for the Christmas play. I am really looking forward to it. We had a great service and fellowship afterwards.

When we got home, I went to my room and did not study. I decided to let my brain relax for an evening, and then I’ll jump back into studying tomorrow morning. We have four finals tomorrow and four more on Saturday. It is currently 10:59 P.M.; so, I should probably get to sleep. 😬

One response to “Study and a Bit More Study”

  1. Praying for finals tomorrow. The Petersens are here from Uganda. It was good to see them again. I really enjoyed his message. Papa is still working on my new kitchen. I can’t wait to see it it won’t be long now that Punky and her crew will be here for a while. That is so exciting. Then Mandy and her crew! Finish the semester with a bang! Love you.