More Studying!

This morning, I woke up at 7:20, got ready for the day, and studied until 8:00 A.M. After I had studied, I went downstairs. Bro. Nathan prepared some delicious eggs, and Mrs. Kelcie made some great toast.

After breakfast, I went back up to my room and studied until 12:00. We then had lunch. After lunch, I did some more studying; then, we left for Bible Institute at 1:00 P.M.

We had good classes. These were the last classes of the semester. It has been a good semester, but it has been really busy. This week is especially busy with all the studying. After institute, we headed home.

When we got home, I let my mind relax for a little bit. We then had supper. After supper, I went back up to my room, did some studying, got cleaned up, then headed to bed.

I am currently typing the blog, then I’ll be going to sleep. I’m planning to wake up at 7:00 tomorrow to start studying.

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