Study, Study, Study!

This morning, I woke up at 7:20 A.M. I immediately began studying. I worked on correcting quizzes and other things. Once I had studied for a while, I went down for breakfast. Mrs. Angie prepared some delicious runny eggs and some toast.

After breakfast, I set up a study area in the living room. I needed a spot where I could spread my stuff out how I wanted. I spent several hours working on studying. I only stopped to eat some lunch and rest my brain for a few minutes. Other than that, I spent the entire day behind my computer preparing study sheets.

The Ruckmans and the Hollingsworths spent most of the day shopping and doing other things. I am not sure what all they did, but I’m sure they had a good time. I wish I could have gone, but I needed to study more than I needed to go with them.

After everyone got home, I cleaned up my work area and sat on the front porch while I watched a movie to relax my brain. I spent most of the day preparing study sheets; so, tomorrow is the day when I need to get everything I have typed out drilled into my brain.

We do not have Fante class, but we do have our normal Tuesday Institute classes. So, tomorrow is going to be another day dedicated solely to Bible Institute studying. 😬 Please pray that my brain does not overload. 😂

One response to “Study, Study, Study!”

  1. I’m so glad you know how to study. I had to learn that in college. Have a good day tomorrow. We will be praying