A Great Sunday

This morning, I woke up late. I quickly got ready; then, we were out the door.

Bro. Nathan preached in the Sunday school hour. He spoke on prayer; then, Bro. Ruckman did the morning service. After the service, the whole church took a group photo with the Hollingsworths because that would be the last service they would be there.

We then went home. Mrs. Sally prepared a very good authentic African meal. We had fish with banku and sauce to dip it in. After we had eaten and had good fellowship, I went up to my room and took a good nap. I woke up at 5:15 P.M., and the Hollingsworths and I went to Pastor Dare’s church for the evening service. Bro. Nathan was able to preach.

After the service, my stomach had some trouble, but it seems to be doing fine now. When we got back to the house, we ate some pizza while we fellowshipped at the table. We are now parting ways for the evening. I am going to do some studying while the water heater warms up; then, I will get cleaned up and head to bed.

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