Last Lessons in Bible Institute Before the Finals

This morning, I had to get some last-minute preparations done for Bible Institute; then, I went down for breakfast at 8:45 A.M. We had leftover pancakes, which were delicious. After breakfast, I did a little more studying, before we left for Bible Institute.

We got to the church at 10:30 A.M. We were able to get the stuff set up; then, I did some more studying. We started classes at 11:05 A.M. We started off the day with an English Final. It was relatively easy for me, but it was a well-written test; so, it helped keep me fresh on all of my high school learning. After English, a few of us men did a sermon introduction. I had two men before me, who did well. I had planned an illustration earlier in my room, but when I did the illustration in class, I did not do it how I planned, and it ended up taking away from my introduction. Several of the pastors constructively criticized my illustration, but I am hoping to get a chance to put this introduction into a message in the not too distant future; so, hopefully by then I will have it properly worked out in my head.

After Homiletics class, we went on with our normal schedules. We took our last lessons in each class before the final exams. Please pray that all of the students, including me, will be able to study hard and drill these notes and study sheets into our brains and that we will do well on our final exams.

After Bible Institute, we went to the grocery store, bought ice cream, then headed back to the house. Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Kelcie had been working hard in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies and pizza. Both dishes tasted amazing. After supper, we all did some work in our separate areas. We each had a task we wanted to complete before playing a game. I worked on editing photos, which I am hoping to share on the homepage in the next few days. I have not been adding pictures because that takes time, time that I have not had in the last few days. After we had all worked on our projects, we began playing our game. We had a good time!!! The first round went fast, but then my mind started wandering and getting goofy; so, the second round went much slower. I had everyone laughing, especially Bro. Ruckman and Bro. Nathan, at a story I was telling. When we first started the game, I was dead tired, but by the end of the game, I was wide awake, laughing and pestering Bro. Ruckman, which has become one of my specialties. 🙂

After the game, I called my mom and had her tell a story or two; then, we all went our separate ways for the evening. When I got to my room, I called my dad for a few minutes, then began working on the blog. I am currently finishing up the blog; then, I will be getting cleaned up for the night and heading to bed. It is currently 9:57 P.M.; so, it is starting to get late.

One response to “Last Lessons in Bible Institute Before the Finals”

  1. I can’t believe you have been there for a semester! That is amazing. Have a wonderful Sunday. Love you!