Lawn Work

I almost forgot to type the blog this evening, but I remembered; so, I will jump right to it. This morning, I woke up at 7:30. Once I had gotten up, I got ready, did some studying, then went down for some breakfast. Bro. Nathan made some delicious runny eggs.

After we had breakfast, Bro. Ruckman took me to the church to do some mowing and weedeating with another guy from the church. It took us a few hours; but once we were done, the property looked good. While we were working on the lawn, Bro. Ruckman and the others went out to Kojokrom to see the church. They were supposed to turn the key over to Bro. Kenney, but the man with the key was not able to come because someone in his family was sick. They were able to pray over the church; then, they headed back.

We were able to have the property inspector come look at our church property. Within two weeks, we should be able to begin building the new orphanage.

After Bro. Ruckman picked me up from the church, we went home. I then went to my room to do some studying; then I ate some lunch and rested.

After a good afternoon, we had KFC for supper, and we were off to church. We had good services. After the services, the kids were wound up, and I was the one they were unwinding on. It was fun. We then went home.

Since we got home, I have been in my room. I was able to get cleaned up and do some studying. It is currently 10:46 P.M.; so, I will be going to sleep soon.

One response to “Lawn Work”

  1. That lawn work was great. Loved watching it! Kids love you, so I can see why they were ready to play after church. Have fun with your lessons tomorrow. I know you will get it all done! Will be praying. Love you!