Back to Fante

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. I wanted to sleep in, but I knew I needed to get up and study for Institute. Once I had rolled out of bed, I got ready, got breakfast, then went back to my room to study. I studied for a good thirty to forty-five minutes. I then went back downstairs.

Bro. Ruckman had made eggs and toast for me; so, I was able to have two breakfasts. It was all good. Once we had finished breakfast, we got ready for Fante lessons. We have not had it for several weeks, due to our busy schedule, but we finally got back to it. We were all still sharp with everything we have learned so far, and we were able to learn some new words today.

After Fante class, we had a Ghanaian meal made by Pastor Dare’s wife, Mrs. Angie, and Mrs. Hollingsworth. They had started working at 5:30 this morning and worked until around 8:30. The food was delicious. Once we had finished lunch, we got ready to head to the church for Institute.

We got to the church at 1:15 P.M. We had great lessons. We have one more of each class and then our final exams. 😬 Please pray that I will be able to get all the reading and studying done before the finals.

After classes, we left the church. As we were pulling out of the property, we saw a large truck was blocking our way. The church is on top of a hill; but the road going up to the church also has a mechanic shop. (In Ghana, they call it a fitting shop.) Anyways, the large truck had come to the mechanic, but it had broken down in the middle of the only road to the church; so, we had no way out. After a few minutes, there was a large group of men and boys who were able to push the truck off the road and allow us to leave.

When we got home, Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Hollingsworth were in the living room with the ac going. Mrs. Angie has a severe rash on her neck that is spreading; so, she has to keep it cool. Mrs. Angie thinks she knows what it is; so, Bro. Ruckman went and got her some medicine. Please pray that the medicine works and that the rash heals quickly.

When Bro. Ruckman got back, we got all the leftovers out, and we all made our own plates to our own liking. We then watched a movie in the living room and fellowshipped.

The Ruckmans and the Hollingsworths are now playing a game, but I am very tired; so, I have retired to my room. I am now going to get cleaned up and hit the hay. It is currently 9:37; so, I may get to bed a little earlier than usual.

One response to “Back to Fante”

  1. Glad you are back to learning Fante. It is interesting what all you are studying. Praying that you will get the reading done. I remember how much reading is involved. The chickens are a puzzle.. if we put the tractor too far from the house the wild animals get them. ( fox or wild dogs) We lost two yesterday. We thought that they could stay behind the goat tractor, but that is too far from the house. papa and your Dad will figure it out soon. We re farmers. Love you.