The Start to a Busy Few Days 

This morning, I woke up at 6:50. Once I had woken up, I read my Bible and then studied for Bible Institute for a good while. Once I had finished studying, I went downstairs. Mrs. Angie was making pancakes, and Bro. Hollingsworth was reading his Bible, while I was doing some reading in the dining room. 

After a while, Bro. Ruckman came down, and we ate breakfast. After breakfast, I did some more studying until it was time to go to the church for Bible Institute. We started our classes at 11:00 A.M. and finished around 3:00 P.M. Once we had finished up, we headed back to the house. By the time we got home, it was 4:20 P.M. because we stopped on the way home to get a few things. I would have normally taken a nap, but I did a little more studying until it was time for Bible Club. 

We had a good number of kids, and all of them were well-behaved. We have had five professions of faith and are looking forward to seeing many, many more kids get saved. After Bible Club, all the kids went home. Once they had left, we sat down for a delicious meal. Mrs. Angie made tortillas, chicken, and refried beans. Everything tasted wonderful, and I am wondering if Mrs. Angie has a little Spanish blood in her system.  

After supper, we all got ready to go to Discipleship at the church. We had a good time of listening and learning. God is really working in the hearts of some of the young boys, which is a huge blessing to see. After we had finished the lesson, all of the boys wanted to arm wrestle Bro. Nathan Hollingsworth. He wrestled a lot of the boys and young men, and I think he won each time. I believe he is going to be feeling that in the morning, but it was fun to watch and participate. 😂

Once we had finished up at the church, we headed home. I was able to show Bro. Nathan some of my photography work, and I volunteered myself to be his and his wife’s personal photographer for the next week or so. 

It is currently 9:09 P.M.; so I had better get cleaned up, studied up, and rested up for tomorrow’s classes. Please pray that my brain will keep up because these next few days are going to be action packed. 

2 responses to “The Start to a Busy Few Days ”

  1. That is so sweet, to volunteer to be their photographer. They will get the best! Sounds like you are learning great things. We are praying that each adventure and challenge will be used for the glory of God. Love you!

  2. My Buddy is Plenty Busy.😊
    Praying for you to keep up with all your task.
    God Bless.🤜🤛