This morning I got up, read my Bible, got ready, and then went downstairs. I did not see anyone, so I made two pieces of toast for breakfast. As soon as I had finished, we left for church.
When we got to church, there were people everywhere. (Mainly kids) Apparently, the word had gotten out that there was going to be a meal after the service. 🙂 We had people everywhere. We even had to get more chairs for the service. We had 170 in total at the service this morning. It was a record Sunday.

After the service, we had our church meal. Everything was good, although it was a little spicy for my liking. We were able to have a good time of fellowship. After we finished at the church, we went home.
When we got home, I went up to my room for the afternoon. It was very humid today; so, I took a nap on the floor. The floor was actually really nice, compared to sweating in my bed. I was able to sleep for about an hour on the floor. As soon as I woke up, I got up to get ready; as soon as I got up, I started sweating. It was so humid today, but it was a good day.
After I had gotten ready, we left for church. I could tell we were not having a meal after church tonight because there were very few kids running around, compared to this morning with kids running all around. We had a good service this evening. Bro. Ruckman was in a meeting with some men before the service; so, we started without them. By the time we had finished the song service, the meeting was over, and everyone had joined the service. We did not have a normal sermon tonight, but the church did take on four missionaries, and we were able to have the Lord’s supper after the service.
When the service was over, I went outside while Bro. Ruckman and Mrs. Angie talked to some people about salvation. While I was outside, I got questioned the entire thirty minutes to an hour about random things by some boys who were outside. I did hear some things that I wished I would not have, but I tried to answer as many questions as I could to the best of my ability. When I had heard questions for a very long time, I went inside for a break. When I went inside, everyone was about done. We had four saved, including the lady for whom we have been praying for several weeks, Regina. We also had one boy saved whom I knew when my family lived here ten years ago.

Once we had finished up at the church, we headed home. We are now at home, about to eat supper. After supper, I will be going to my room to get ready for bed. It is currently 9:52 P.M.
One response to “Anniversary Sunday!!!”
Lots of kids when it is eating time! A cool floor really helps when it’s hot. Glad you had some people saved today. We love you and are praying foryou.