A Restful Day

This morning, I woke up at 7:15. After getting up, I went downstairs. Today is our rest day. When the Ruckmans came downstairs, they ate breakfast; then, we had our devotions. After devotions, I worked on the puzzle for several hours. We have had this puzzle out for a month or two; so, it was a relief to finally finish it today.

Bro. Ruckman and I were able to go out and get haircuts, and we were also able to get Bro. Ruckman’s phone fixed. While we were out, we did a little bit of shopping and then headed home. Once we got home, we were able to rest for a little while before we had supper. Supper was good!

After supper, we played a few rounds of a game. I don’t know if I will want to play again after getting beat so many times. I think the last time I won a game was when we were on our vacation at the ocean. Oh well, that is the way it goes sometimes.

3 responses to “A Restful Day”

  1. Sometimes it is good for you to loose. It makes playing the games more competitive. We are so glad the Ruckmans are there! Have a good day tomorrow! We love you and are praying.

  2. I am so glad you are having a wonderful time, games teach us overall to get better after few or a lot of times we loose. Keep playing.