Gilbert Consford to Ghana

Gilbert Consford at Mt. Calvary Fundamental Baptist Church in Ghana.
Gilbert in Ghana with his new shirt

Gilbert Consford is our oldest son and a few years ago my preacher, Pastor Danny Dodson, recommended that when our children graduated from Highschool they should go work with a missionary for one year before they started college.

My wife and I started praying about where our children should go and who they should work with. It was a long hard time of prayer and searching. Reading prayer letters, and doing some phone calls and exchanging emails with many missionaries. The Lord laid one missionary on my heart for our oldest son Gilbert.

We talked with James Ruckman, missionary to Ghana. He is always busy doing something and it is evident that the Holy Spirit is using him to do a work in Ghana. I have seen God work miracles on his behalf. Things I have prayed about for years!

Gilbert Consford is assisting James Ruckman in Ghana.
James Ruckman and one cool girl!

Gilbert Consford Missionary Intern

Gilbert is going to Ghana for one year. We are leaving on August 21, 2023! The Lord has provided in a wonderful way!

Gilbert is going to work with Brother Ruckman. He is going to work with several national pastors as well. He is going to attend the Bible institute with the national preacher boys. We are so excited to see how the Lord is going to work in his life while in Ghana.

We hope to send frequent updates about his life in Africa. I hope you follow along and pray for him as he does God’s will for his life.

It is our hope and prayer that God will use this year to help our son Gilbert, and at the same time that God will use this experience to encourage other young people to give a year of their life to help a missionary somewhere in the world. I truly believe this is a great tool that will help promote the cause of world wide missions!