Visiting Old Friends and Making New Friends

August 25, 2023

Today is the first day I woke up before nine o’clock. I still did not go to sleep until a little after midnight, but I am starting to get used to the change in time zones. We began the day by having a hearty breakfast of Biscuits and Gravy; and let me tell you, it was good. After breakfast, we started off on an adventure.

One of the local pastors, Prince, acted as our guide. Our first mission was to find the daughter of our Fante teacher, Teacher Adoko, who sadly passed away a few months before we came.

Teacher Adoko’s obituary was plastered everywhere. He really meant a lot to the entire area.

We began by going to New Takoradi where we thought the family lived, but so much has changed in the ten years we have been gone that we could not find the house. We began asking around, and we found someone who knew where the wife of Teacher Adoko and the son were. The man was very helpful and gave us the phone number for Mrs. Adoko. We were able to get her to tell us where the house was that her daughter was staying at, but we had to have someone who lived in that area show us how to get to the home.

We drove up the hill, but the daughter was not at home. We then asked the neighbor if she knew were the daughter, Happy, was. The neighbor was able to provide us with the phone number for Happy. We called the number and found that Happy was selling cloth at the market place which was about five to ten minutes away. We drove there and were able to find her quickly. We went to her shop where she had a wide variety of material. We bought some material for me to have some shirts made and Mom and Bonnie to have some skirts made; but while we were waiting for her to cut the material, I accidentally knocked over a huge stack of material. I was so embarrassed, but they acted as if nothing even happened.

Visting Happy at her shop!

After we had found Happy, we started off on our next mission. Dad needed some money exchanged, and Mom and I went to one of the local grocery stores. We were able to buy Dr. Pepper, Coke, and a few other drinks. Once we had finished shopping and getting money exchanged, we all loaded up in the vehicle and began driving around.

As we were driving around, Pastor Prince drove us by his seaside church. It was a nice building, and we were able to see what God has been doing while we have been in the U.S. We were able to talk about many things that happened while we were here as missionaries. It was fun to talk to Pastor Prince and listen to him and Dad laugh at the many experiences they had together.

While riding around, we began to recognize an area, and remembered we had gone to a very nice seafood restaurant not far from where we were. We turned the vehicle around and started driving to the restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was a close friend. He was always giving us free food, and we even had him over for supper at our house. While driving to the restaurant, memories began to flood our minds. As we got closer, we began to recognize the signs that lead to the restaurant. Once we had arrived, we asked for the owner, Richard, who was our friend, but they sadly informed us that he had passed away about five years ago. But it was not all sad, we were able to meet Richard’s wife, Nana Bentuma. When she saw us, she remembered us instantly, and we began talking as if we had never left. We exchanged phone numbers, and she told me to call her if I ever needed anything.

Visiting Nana Bentuma

After leaving the restaurant, we decided we had better head home. When we got home, we had a nice lunch with friends and fellowship. After lunch, we all talked for a while and had a nice afternoon of rest.

At five o’clock, we started a Bible study at the house. We had over twenty children, and we had one elderly lady. Everyone was well-behaved, and they all seemed to have a lot of fun!!! Bonnie and Mom were able to help with the singing and teaching, and I took pictures:)!

After the Bible study, we ate a delicious meal, and then began to prepare for the evening evangelism. Due to the rain, we had discipleship instead of evangelism. Danny and I were able to witness to several young boys. A few of them seemed like they are starting to understand, but the others were falling asleep. After we had finished witnessing and having discipleship, we played some games and had fun!!!

We are now home for the evening eating apple crisp and ice cream. Then, it is off to get cleaned up before going to bed!!!

One response to “Visiting Old Friends and Making New Friends”

  1. Great storytelling Gilbert. It is clear that you are right where the Lord wants you to be.