Another Great Sunday

This morning, got up, had breakfast, and got ready for church. Once I was ready, I walked down to Mpatado to meet up with the van and the kids. We had 13 again this week. We did not have any trouble getting there, other than a girl who dropped her pencil through a gap in the door by accident and we had to go back and get it.

Once we got to church, everything went smoothly. We had great services, and I enjoyed teaching the Jr. Church classes. After church, we drove to the house and had a delicious lunch. After lunch, I went up to my room to rest before heading to church. Once I had finished my rest, I got ready and started my walk to the junction. I was able to quickly catch a taxi and go to the church right on time for choir practice. We were able to have a good practice, and we are starting to have a few more kids join.

We had a great song service and church service. After the service, we drove a few of the people from the church to their house. After dropping them off, we drove the rest of the way home. Once we got home, I got changed into some comfortable clothes; then, we had Fritos and cheese for supper. It tasted great! After supper, the Ruckmans talked to one of their sons for a while. They are currently still talking to him, and I am sitting in the living room with the ac on. We had planned to watch a movie, but it is starting it get late.

3 responses to “Another Great Sunday”

  1. Great day here too! Danny and Bonnie did a great job on the puppet show for the Mr church. The kids really listened. Papa hurt his back by spending too much time on the backhoe.. hopefully it will feel better tomorrow. Have a great week. We love you!

  2. I love that the drive turned around and went to find the pencil! That’s a great story! I am so excited that the village ministry is growing every week!