Tuesday, December 26 – Day #1 of Camp

This morning, I woke up at 8:00. I got my bag ready to go to Cape Coast for camp. Once my bag was packed, I went downstairs for breakfast.

After breakfast, we had a pastor and his family come visit for an hour or two. It was a good time of fellowship. I ate lunch at 11:35; then, we left the house at 11:45 A.M. for the church. On our way to the church, we stopped at the ATM and then headed to the church.

When we got there, we had kids running everywhere, ready to go to camp. We ended up leaving the church right on time, if not a few minutes early. After we hit the road, I was able to get a good nap in.

After a few hour drive, we made it to the campground. We were able to get checked in and then had an hour or two of free time.

We got everything started at 5:00 P.M. with orientation. After orientation, we had supper. We had bankum, fish, and stew. It was all very good. After supper, we began the evening service.

We had a great service. After the service, everyone had fifteen minutes to say verses. It was a very chaotic ordeal. We have forty verses to say over the next three days. I was able to say four; but after that, I stood in line waiting to say three more. I was fully prepared to say them, but everyone was cutting in line. 😮‍💨 Even some of the older men from our church were cutting in line. I told them they were worse than the kids.

We are now on our way home. It has been a busy day, but in a different way. Tomorrow we have a full day of camp activities and services. Please pray that we all get a good night’s rest and that we are all ready for tomorrow.