A Day of Rest Before The Busy Schedule

This morning, I woke up at 7:00. I ended up going downstairs at 7:30 A.M., where I worked on a project on my computer for about thirty minutes. Once people started moving around the house, I made myself breakfast, then went back up to my room, where I studied notes for Bible Institute for about an hour. 

After I had studied for a while, I went downstairs to let the Ruckmans and Hollingsworths out. They were going out to do some shopping and exploring. While they were out, I got in some good rest. I also worked on a project on my computer for an hour or two. 

The explorers did not get home until around 4:00 P.M.; and once they got home, they were all ready to get a little rest in. While they rested, I stayed in my room with the ac on. By the time I went back downstairs, everyone was busy with supper. We had a good time of fellowship, and the meal was delicious. I think the chicken was the best I have had since coming to Ghana. I also tried something new.  I had squash and tomatoes and a cucumber macaroni salad. Both side dishes turned out to be very good. 

After supper, we all sat in the living room for a while. While we were in there, we discussed some of the architect plans for the orphanage that we are hoping to begin building soon. After I sat in there for a while, I started to get tired; so, I said my farewells and parted ways for the evening. 

I am now going to get cleaned up and will then head to bed. We are back to Fante classes and Bible Institute tomorrow. 

One response to “A Day of Rest Before The Busy Schedule”

  1. Glad you got a little rest. Your suppers sound delicious. You’ll be speaking Fante like a pro before long. The cover looks great. Have a good week. We love you!