Adventures in the City!!!

This morning, I woke up at….. who cares. I do not even remember what time I woke up. Once I woke up, I lay in bed and watched Nat Geo Wild. I saw some pretty interesting animal documentaries, that is until I started getting hungry. I then went to the Ruckmans’ room to get the cereal and milk. The cereal was actually really good.

I relaxed in my room for awhile. Then, we all loaded up in the truck and went to the Accra Mall. I ended up buying several things there. I feel like I spent a lot of money today; but once you convert it to USD, it really is not that much. We had shawarmas for lunch, and I had a strawberry ice cream for a mid-afternoon snack. We spent several hours at the mall, which was fun.

Once we finished up at the mall, we went back to the hotel to rest for a little bit. Then, we were ready to go back out to shop at one more store and get Pizza Hut and Sushi for supper. Just to clear things up, the Sushi did not come from Pizza Hut, and the Sushi from yesterday did not come from Burger King.

We enjoyed a good meal, listened to a preacher, then watched a movie. We have now parted ways. I have started packing up because we are leaving the hotel at 8:00 A.M. I will then be dropped off at the old airport for my flight from Accra to Takoradi, while the Ruckmans pick up a couple flying in from the US at the new airport. They will leave right after they pick them up. My flight will not leave until noon, but I should still beat them to Takoradi, if all goes according to plan. Please pray for safe travels for both the Ruckmans, the couple who are most likely in the air right now, and for me as I fly to Takoradi tomorrow.

It is currently 10:46 P.M.; so, I had better get to sleep. It is going to be a busy day tomorrow. I have a lot of pictures from the day, but I will have to try to remember to upload them tomorrow.

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